Years ago, Dungeons & Dragons was frowned upon by the masses. But now in 2023, many people around the world including some students in Dallastown, see this game as a safe place to be creative and embrace their imagination with their friends.
In the 80s, it was criticized as demonic and was not considered a game suitable for teenagers. In recent years, D&D has seen a resurgence due to TV shows like Stranger Things and Big Bang Theory. Today, the Dallastown Tabletop Gamers Club and many others around the world are showing this game is fun and interactive for everyone.
This renowned tabletop game is a game that is played with a group of people, and it is known as an RPG (Role-Playing Game.)
This game is all about creativity and imagination. People all around the world create their own amazing characters, and they can go on many creative and fun adventures.
A big part of this game is luck. Many different dice are used in this game, and there are even 20-sided dice used.
It is centered on rolling high numbers on the dice for situational benefits, which would help pave the way for the adventure the players are going on. If they roll low numbers, it reflects the opposite.
Mrs. Stephanie Newcomer, who is closing in on her 15th year of teaching, is the adviser of the Tabletop Gamers Club here at Dallastown and has had an appreciation for games like Dungeons & Dragons, and all the joys that entail.
“I have always been a board game person since I was a kid, and as far as getting into D&D, that would be influenced by my wife and friends,” Newcomer said.
Newcomer teaches many English classes here at Dallastown, and these classes made a spark in what is known today as the Tabletop Gamers Club.
“The club started because, in British literature, we were talking about heroes and stories until someone brought up Dungeons and Dragons. A bunch of kids became interested and thought we could start a club.” she explained.
Although D&D is a feature of the club, it isn’t the only thing Newcomer provides.
“[Club members] primarily play Dungeons & Dragons, but some kids also play magic; and RPG [Role-Playing] games,” Newcomer explains.
As the club manager, Newcomer has laid out some future plans for the students of the Tabletop Gamers Club.
“Mainly, my goal is to keep as many kids interested as possible,” Newcomer says.
Although there is a plethora of members already in the club, Junior Amelia McHenry hopes this club attracts even more people interested in Tabletop Games.
“A misconception I’d say most people have about Dungeons and Dragons is that you have to know how to play D&D, but you really don’t have to,” McHenry explains. “Most people are happy to teach new players the basics of Dungeons & Dragons!”
McHenry, who has been a member of the club for over two years, found the game
to be something of a dream come true.
“I’ve always liked to make cool characters and write stories. It was just a thing I’ve always liked to do,” McHenry clarified. “But when I heard of Dungeons & Dragons I thought it was a match made in heaven.”
As for what the students do in the club, they have quite a lot ahead of them.
The members have been taking part in what is known as a campaign, which is a story played by the members and is controlled by what is known as the Dungeon Master, which is done by Newcomer.
“Currently, we are playing Hoard of the Dragon Queen,” McHenry says.
“We start in this small village known as Greenest, and we have been playing out our adventure since then,” McHenry commented. “However, not all groups are at the same place right now so each group has different events happening.”
As for the future of their story, the students have a lot to look forward to.
“Honestly, my favorite part of the club is unraveling the story the GM (Game Master) and players make together. You never know what’s going to happen next!” McHenry explains.