During the Halloween season, I found myself swiping on Instagram stories, and I saw an ad for American Eagle and Arie. Not just any ad–a Christmas clothing ad.
Personally, I don’t truly start thinking about Christmas until after Thanksgiving, because it rushes the year and skips over one of my favorite family holidays.
Everyone knows that big corporations are thinking about the Christmas season many months in advance.
“I went to Marshall’s with my family and there were more Christmas decorations than Halloween decorations and Halloween hadn’t even happened yet,” junior Kirsten Raab said.
If somebody wants to put up their tree on Nov. 1, then by all means go ahead, but that doesn’t mean seeing it in stores or being pushed out online is justified.
In October going to about any department store means walking into Christmas wonderland. I haven’t even thought about my Halloween costume yet, let alone Christmas.
“I feel like we haven’t even hit the school year, Christmas shouldn’t be a thought,” junior Maggie Polek said.
Senior Emma Klinedinst has the same thought as Polek.
“It’s too early. Retail as a whole is too early for everything. Like back to school in July. Sheesh.”
Now I don’t want to sound like I hate Christmas, because I don’t; Christmas is one of my favorite holidays, but the early display of it needs to stop.
People can shop for gifts early without seeing trees, Santa, and candy canes covering an entire store. I am all for planning, thinking of, and buying gifts very early, but do we need to bring out the ornaments and music this early?
When it hasn’t hit Thanksgiving or better yet Halloween and stores are lining the shelves with elves and snowmen I feel very rushed.
I asked Dallastown their opinion on the matter in a survey and 50% of the students that responded said they saw decorations starting in October with November coming in at almost 30%.

Most also responded the same way saying that those months are too early.
“I think it’s way too early especially if it hasn’t even been Thanksgiving yet. It just feels like stores are skipping holidays,” freshman LaShay Ross said.
Many have the same thoughts, from freshmen to seniors.
“I think it’s a little too early because Christmas is still 2.5 months away. I think in the beginning of November is when it should be seen,” senior Grace Krebs said.
Another part of Christmas being started too early is the music.
Sophomore Julie Budney said, “It depends- I’ve heard Jingle Bells in June before, but usually by November.”

70% of those who answered agreed with Budney.
“Too early. All of the songs are the same every single year and they just repeat over and over and over,” senior Faith Ilyes said.
Although, some had differing opinions.
“It’s perfect because I like Christmas music,” freshman Jordan Rost said.
Raab also brings a very good fact to light about the music.
“There are other holidays- and I’m sure the people who don’t celebrate Christmas are even more sick of it.”
While some people say it’s never too early to buy and set up your Christmas decorations, I believe there is still more time to enjoy your other fall decorations and activities before your Christmas ones.
At the end of the day, everyone should do what makes them happy like decorating for Christmas on Oct. 31 or buying Christmas clothing on Nov. 1 in their own homes.
Stores don’t need to have their Christmas decorations out on Oct 1.