Josh Thaler

Mr. Ilyes is a Science teacher as well as the head of the Science Department.

Science-Mark Ilyes

Mark Ilyes has taught for 30 years, but he has been the Head of the Science Department for at least 15 years.  Mr. Ilyes cannot remember the exact year he started but he knows that the former Department Chair moved on and the other department members suggested he apply for the position.

Since then, Ilyes has taken on many responsibilities in the department.

“In addition to teaching like other teacher’s do, one of the major things involves scheduling every year. . . we have this many number of students who want to take this course and this number students who want to take that course so determining how many sections we need, who’s going to teach what, and making sure we get the right teachers teaching the right courses.”

Ilyes went on to explain the scheduling process for new classes”If there’s a new course [we work] through the approval process which involves the school board and administration. . . like right now we’re transitioning to an AP Environmental Science course that we’re offering and just making sure that all the deadlines are met.”

Ilyes also discussed budgeting, “Each year we have to determine what we’re spending on supplies for the next year and for science that’s a pretty large dollar amount with all the different chemicals.”

Not only is Ilyes responsible for maintaining schedule and budget, he also helps to maintain the health and happiness of his other department members.

“Even things like more personal things, say there’s a birth in the department or somebody’s parent dies, to make sure that person is being cared for in that the other department members know about it and we’re doing things to support that person or to congratulate them,” he explained.

Both the personal aspect and the odd jobs are important to the department and Ilyes has been working hard for many years to keep it all running smoothly.

“It’s a big job, but it’s an important job. . . I’m happy with the history that we have as a department in terms of preparing students for future work in the sciences and I’m happy to work with a great group of people.”



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