Josh Thaler

Mr. Rexroth is a CAD, Engineering and Architecture teacher and is the FACS and Tech Ed Department Head

Tech Ed & FACS-Jay Rexroth

Jay Rexroth has been teaching for about 33 years but he has also been the chairperson for the Applied Arts Department for about nine years.

Rexroth explained the role: “I’m sort of the conduit between Dr. Fletcher and our department. . . it’s my job to take the information he gives us and make sure everybody in my department is up to date.”

Rexroth also explained some of his basic responsibilities, which are similar to those of other department heads but a little more challenging since he oversees such a diverse but specific assortment of courses.

“My responsibilities include scheduling, which is big since we have so many different electives, and budgeting. . . our budget is one of the largest ones in the school district because we deal with a lot of materials in wood and metal.  [There’s] a lot of technology in computer drafting, digital photography, video, and then obviously the things Mrs. Klinedinst needs for childcare. . . Also, if someone’s sick or they’re out for a field trip or something I meet the substitute to make sure that the lesson plans are there, doors are open, and that they know what’s going on for the day.”

Rexroth also went into detail about the other department members, praising their aptitude and friendliness.

“I’m fortunate. . . I had Mr. Myers as a student, I had Mr. Klinedinst as a student, I had Mr. Chilcoat as a student, and I knew Mrs. Klindinst when she was a student here, and they’re all Dallastown graduates, which is nice, they know how things go.  Mr. Nolt is the new hire and he’s worked out wonderfully.  He’s very tech savy and brought a lot of energy to our department with a lot of new ideas.”

Rexroth then commented, “I tell everybody all the time: my job’s pretty easy because I have really great people to work with.”

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