Beacon Staff

Finance puts together a bag of goodies for students who raise over $150. Its put in their drawstring bag with their t-shirt once they register for the event!

Finance Committee

These responsible students are counting money all year long. They are in charge of counting any fundraising totals, keeping track of Donor Drive, and thinking of an incentive in hope students will raise more than $150.

The finance committee is run by Mrs. Smeltzer and she has been the advisor for the last six years. 

Their main responsibility is to keep an accurate record of the fundraising total as well as our Donor Drive total so they know what exact number to hold up at 7 a.m.

They also are in charge of registration, publicizing registration, and informing students how to collect donations for their personal DonorDrive. 

These committee members have to have some creativity as they create the $150 incentive bags. This last year they were filled with a bandana, sunglasses, cardholder, lanyard, bracelets, and a necklace. 

On the night of the event, the finance committee checks in students and hands out water bottles. 

Smeltzer said the hardest part of their job is dealing with last-minute registrations and students who try to register after the deadline!

However, it’s all worth it when she sees all of the students entering Mini-THON the night of the event, checking them in, and seeing how excited they get to be a part of Mini-THON.

Smeltzers favorite part of the night is revealing the total. 

“I love seeing the expressions on their faces when they find out how much we’ve raised!” 

If you like math, have a creative side and want to see how DonorDrive runs and operates, the finance committee may be for you.

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