Mr. Rexroth

May 18, 2022

Ashley Kenny

Tech Ed teacher Mr. Rexroth has experience in the workforce from ditch digging to working a drive thru.

Mr. Rexroth is the Tech Ed Department Chair and he teaches CAD, Engineering, Architecture, and Digital Photography classes here at Dallastown.

After his time in college, Rexroth joined Dallastown in 1986 teaching the same classes he is today.

In 1978 Rexroth became one of the first employees ever at a brand new, first of its kind restaurant, that was opening in Red Lion: Hardee’s.

“It was a very big deal and it was always very busy because it was new and there were very limited options for people,” he explained. “That particular restaurant was the 2nd highest in sales in the entire United States.” 

“Working the Drive Thru window at Hardees was definitely a challenge,” he noted.  “Fitting out the window to deliver the food and drinks isn’t easy when you are 6’7” tall”

Rexroth also worked for the York Water Company digging ditches during his time in college. “They would never allow a backhoe to dig the ditches because they were worried that they would hit the water lines and damage them,” he said.

Rexroth attributes some of the biggest lessons he’s learned to this time in his life. 

“A strong work ethic was required to keep your job,” he added. “There was no such thing as “Calling Off”, if you did that you wouldn’t have had your job for very long.”

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