The Class of 2022 had the chance to vote on favorite teachers and share their teacher shout-outs. Here's what they had to say.
Top 5 Favorite Teachers
They’ve made us laugh, they’ve changed the way we view the world, they have pushed us to be our best. As voted on by the Class of 2022, here are the top five favorite teachers:
Mr. Rojahn – Philosophy
Mr. Trone – Social Studies
Mr. Zelger – Social Studies
Mr. Donatelli – Business
Mrs. Dallmeyer – Social Studies
Teacher Shout-Outs

Hey, Mr. Ilyes. I’d just like to thank you for supporting me in my endeavors. Your teaching style encourages people to not just learn the information but question it as well; the intricacies of the world that you demonstrate through these discussions are what made me love physics. Thank you! Kyle Tignor

I just want to thank Mr. Hare and Mrs. Gaynor for everything they’ve done for me these past 4 years. I’ve had Mr. Hare since my freshman year and he’s always been someone I can laugh with. Mrs. Gaynor and I just have a bond like no other and I appreciate her for that! Skylar Forella
Mr. Gable Thank you for the great opportunities and support. I appreciate everything you have done for me on and off the mat. Wrestling was the greatest opportunity and I was very grateful to have you as a coach and a teacher. Anthony Carulli
Mr. Rojahn- Thank you for teaching me to question what I know! Knowledge is key and I can not even begin to express how much you have taught me through high school. You really changed my perspective on a lot of things in very positive ways and I can not thank you enough. Sadie Levi-Price
To Miss. Strayer: Thank you for always being my shoulder to rant to and talk to when things got hard and helping me with my problems when I needed it. I’m thankful to have a teacher like you. I will miss you 🙁 Jessica McAbee
Shoutout to every teacher, janitor, security guard, or staff member in the high school for tolerating us! I don’t know how you guys do it but it means so much that you do. Cecilia Giedzinski

Mr Hare, you made school so much more enjoyable. I looked forward to your class every day, and I actually wanted to learn. Olivia Smith

Mrs. Guttridge: I want to thank you for not only being so generous, but for being such a positive role model. You have encouraged me so much to do exactly what I want. I cannot thank you enough for being so kind and positive towards my goals for my endeavors. Sophia Caltagirone
Thank you to every teacher I’ve ever had, but especially my counselor, Mrs. Bouchillon, who truly helped me figure out my future! She made everything so easy and I’m going to miss her so much when I leave! Maggie Wolfsheimer

Thank you Ms. Ortman for being my favorite laugh at 7:35 am. You always were the highlight of my mornings, and I appreciate how real of a human you are. I always felt “safe” having a conversation with you, and you are so warm-hearted. Isabella Iovene
Thank you to Mr. Foust for teaching me math, and soccer. Love you. Joao Abreu
Saying Goodbye to Retiring Teachers

This year Dallastown is saying goodbye to many things, including two amazing teachers: Mrs. Anderson and Mr. Gable.
Biology teacher and wrestling coach, Mr. Gable will be leaving his classroom after 33 years. Mr. Gable became a wrestling coach during his first year of teaching at Dallastown.
Not only will Mr. Gable be missed in the building by his students but he will also be missed by his wife, Math teacher Mrs. Gable.
Another smiling face Dallastown will be saying goodbye to is English teacher, Mrs. Anderson.
Mrs. Anderson has been teaching for 38 years. 18 of the years being spent at Red Lion.
Not only has Mrs. Anderson left an impact in the English department, she has left an everlasting impact in the musical department.
To read more about Mr. Gable and Mrs. Anderson check out this article!