Fashion is constantly changing, yet fashion is a consistent cycle of trends resurfacing based on favor. This means that whatever “item” is popular will emerge from the demands of the “fashion gods” mingling down to all kinds of audiences.
It is seen simply within the halls here at Dallastown. For students and staff, picking one’s clothing for the day – which honestly is ignored sometimes – is a meaningful start to a new day.
Though each day starts anew, it seems that there’s an emergence of revivals of the past blending into what is current.
It is easily noticed at Dallastown, but even universally there is inspiration from what was once “vintage or nostalgic.”
Acclaimed online magazines Glamour and Cosmopolitan have taken notice of animal-printed apparel reemerging with hot demand.
“Animal Print and fall fashion basically go hand-in-hand at this point,” Cosmopolitan reports.

Jumping into the fashion world of Dallastown, animal-printed apparel was labeled as the month’s trend for the September 2008 issue of The Beacon.
“This year [animal print] looks very elegant. I think that a deeper darker leopard print is very in this year,” states current senior Jade Bradenbaugh.
But it doesn’t stop there. Within that same issue, a student of DHS at the time, Ben Davids, was interviewed and crowned the title fashionista of the month.
To contrast away completely with the resurgence of bold prints, Davids defined his inspiration for dressing as to look like he was “straight out of the 90s.”
Yet another 2008 issue of The Beacon published in August entailed the ultimate classic for men’s fashion: Polo Shirts.
Many male students of DHS would contradict the previous statement, despite that, since the piece of apparel’s creation, it has stayed a consistent factor in fashion and illuminates its timeless use.
Among the classical pieces of clothing, a highlight of current fashion trends exhibits a lot of echoing and repetition of seeing “prep and corporate chic” styles.
“We wore skirts and sweater sets, jumpers with pretty blouses… we wore makeup and perfume,” says Dallastown alumna Debra Raver as she recalls her time in high school during the 60s. Though there isn’t an exact replication, it is seen that there are variants of styles from before.
Certainly, a good handful of female students don’t wear blouses anymore, but knowing about the accessibility to wear makeup within the school is relevant – especially because of how stylistic changes have evolved through sessions of school years.
It may not be as drastic as some other high school classes, but if one would notice, there is a pattern of how trends wade in or out. Fashion cycles styles until they hit an end and are considered not trendy.“We were all about crochet clothing (capes, sweaters, tops, etc) in the 1970s and now it is BACK!” says DHS science teacher Mrs. Gladfelter.
But rest assured for all fashion fanatics if something you enjoy wearing is not in style it does not mean your sense of fashion is overlooked, it has hit the end of the trend until the peak is reintroduced.
To peek into the times of the solidifying 70s, a more relaxed approach is highlighted.
A March fashion article in The Beacon in 2023 discusses the identical characteristics of bohemian and the relaxed essences of fashion coming into play.
2010 graduate Holly Wagman owner of Compass Rose was interviewed in the 2023 fashion article and offered, that “there’s definitely an anything goes kind of vibe in fashion right now.”
Which certainly remains to ring true as of today. Fashion flows to its rhythm and presents a time capsule for the eyes.
Students at Dallastown are known for being the ultimate advocates of what is in style and trend.

“I see a huge trend of students wearing more relaxed outfits,” says junior Trevor McWilliams.
Returning to the sentiment of relaxed fashions and a free-spirited vibe while menswear and womenswear seem individual and drastic. Broken down the styles and trends of the opposite sex flow beautifully together and are not only labeled as one masculine and the other feminine.
It can be expected that “vintage” styles are the inspirations for the present, and it will only continue as there are more new and exciting trends. But it is best to remember that fashion may be ever-so-changing but will always keep its tendencies, so in the end wear what best describes you for your personality regardless of trends.