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The Student News Site of Dallastown Area High School

The Beacon

The Student Newspaper of Dallastown Area High School in Dallastown, PA, since 1929.
The Student News Site of Dallastown Area High School

The Beacon

The Student News Site of Dallastown Area High School

The Beacon

The Beacon Senior Issue 2024

The Beacon Senior Issue 2024

Congratulations, Dallastown Class of 2024! This Senior Issue was created by senior Beacon editors and members of the Journalism II: Digital Media class. Information and votes were compiled from a survey...

Entrepreneurship Within DHS: Highlight on Brooks Gable

Savannah Mowen, Reporter June 2, 2021

As we've seen in prior highlights, Dallastown hallways are full of entrepreneurs. Today's focus is on 18 year old Brooks Gable. Brooks buys and sells sneakers on multiple forms of social media such as...

A Pass Through Dallastown Girls Lacrosse

Shaley Mills, Reporter May 31, 2021

Dallastown lacrosse player and reporter, Shaley Mills, gives us a first hand look a what goes on at an average nights practice. Highlighting the team captains and their goals for the team, one can see...

Triple Major, Triple Threat

Caroline Laughlin, Reporter May 10, 2021

In this video by WCAT reporter Caroline Laughlin, Dallastown senior Collin Snyder talks about his experience in the music programs at DHS. Snyder participates in band, chorus, and orchestra. His...

Entrepreneurship At DHS: Focus on Myra Striebig

Savannah Mowen, Reporter May 3, 2021

Dallastown senior, Myra Striebig, has entered the world of entrepreneurship this past year. Finding a passion through resin art and jewelry making, Myra created her own small business, LoveMyra. LoveMyra...

Entrepreneurship At DHS: Focus on Cameron Koons

Savannah Mowen, Reporter April 13, 2021

Eighteen year old Dallastown senior Cameron Koons is an aspiring music artist. With three EP’s and one album on his Apple Music profile, he is constantly creating. Recently, he has reached beyond...

A Walk Through the Dallastown Blood Drive

Skylar Hashbarger, Reporter January 11, 2020

Each year Dallastown holds a student Blood Drive to give students the opportunity to make an impact on their community and themselves. Health teacher Mr. Gould organizes the annual event through the...

Live From the Blue Carpet

Savannah Mowen, Linn Thune, and Makayla Calaman May 2, 2019

Prom for Dallastown Class of 2019 had several "firsts." It was the first prom held at Wisehaven Event Center and for the first time, the senior parents organized an overnight post-prom party at the school...

Spotlight on…FCA

Sarah Mills, Reporter April 1, 2019

The Fellowship of Christian athletes is an interdenominational Christian sports ministry, where athletes meet with coaches to discuss the influence of Jesus Christ on many aspects of playing and coaching...

Spanish Club Raises Funds Through Llama Sales

Cruz Mead, Reporter February 8, 2019

While many DHS groups hold bake sales and restaurant nights to raise money, Dallastown's Spanish Club has taken a different approach this year. Senora Pomraning and the club sold stuffed llamas throughout...

Drivin’ Round Dallastown: Episode 1

Josh Thaler, Sam Dolinger, and Cruz Mead January 23, 2019

Dallastown is home to a wide variety of pizza places, including the Mom and Pop stores, the classic Italian shop, and the unique American style shops. However, most people cannot really tell the...

New Year, New Resolutions

Sam Dolinger and Cruz Mead January 4, 2019

After the ball drops in Times Square and the calendar changes to January, many people around the world make resolutions for the new year. Often these resolutions focus on health, fitness, and self-improvement....

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